We will discuss in detail the difference between Linux and Unix

Many people are confused about the difference between LINUX and UNIX, Basically, they are two different operating systems. They share similar standards and even commands.

Sr. NoLinuxUnix
1Open Source Free OS [Source Code Link]Source Code is not available for common public
2Graphical User Interface and Command linePrimary Focus on Command Line
3Linux system can installed on many hardware architecturesUnix needs is not portable as Linux
4Can be used by any user, on any machinePrimary use is servers
5Different versions of Linux are Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat etcUnix versions are AIS, HP-UX, BSD, Iris, etc.
6Linux is maintained by the communityUnix is developed and maintained by AT&T
7Linux is Unix like system but not same as UnixUnix is completely different OS than Linux
8Linux has more advantages than Unix and more popularUnix has fewer advantages and features than Linux
9Linux project was started by Linus TorvaldsUnix project was started by Ken Thompson and Dennis Richi at Bell Labs

You can see the history of the Unix derivatives and the Linux in the following picture

In the picture, you can see Unix Like systems were not copy of Unix but the commands and many standards were followed and implemented from scratch.

  • Unix Like systems were MIMIX and Linux,
  • You can see in the figure, Mac OS, AIX, Open Server, Solaris, and HP-UX are the closed source derivatives of Unix.
  • Solaris has Open Source version of OpenSolaris which is derived from Solaris 10.
  • FreeBSD and Open BSD are Open sources derivated of the Unix.

To see following image clearly click on the this link

Evolution of Unix and Unix like systems